Our aim is to supply the below, to our clients requirements, The below list is not exhaustive, please contact us if you require other services not on the list we may be able to assist please send your mail to john@johnf.no. Arial photography: Useful for the building industry to provide record of the construction site status over time. Useful to estate agents and property developers. Useful to marine, for advertising images, record of deck cargo or damage to vessel, useful to emergency services for area overview, assistance for tracking. Useful to landowners for record of land status, forest status. Useful for advertisement for various events subjects.
ROV photography: Useful to marine to investigate hull damage, marine growth, prop damage entanglement. Useful for investigating depths in harbours alongside quays, Useful for underwater pipeline and cable surveys. Useful for subsea equipment surveys.
Virtual tours: Useful to estate agents and marine to provide digital walk though of properties, ships. Useful to emergency services to provide digital walk through of an incident area. This can be displayed on Monitor or VR systems. We also carry out electronic repairs and design. The construction and test of prototypes etc.