Multi-Radio development
Copyright © 2020by "John Finlayson"
All Rights reserved
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Continuing the use of AirManager and using an Arduino Uno as the controller, I am developping the code and hardware for a combined ADF and DME unit, for the flight simulator. The Uno has limited memory compared to the Mega, but hopefully there will be sufficient for this project.
The below images are of the initial development, test setup.
Send any comments or idea,s etc. to
Multi-Radio manual
OK some time away from design but work comes first.
Hardware design completed, siftware for Arduino micro complete except for final airmanager interface. Still have airmanager LUA to complete. But here are some of the latest pics on Arduino Micro running, As no interface to airmanager DME display does not yet update.
Ahh bad connections driving me nuts, built a case and waiting on PCB. The case size is 160 wide x 75 hiegh and 34 deep at its deepest see pictures below. Get back to writing code once PCB assempled.
The unit has been built, software completed for Arduino and AirManager, for tuse with X-plane 11. tested OK. Some pictures below. This unit controls all radios and the audio pannel. Dificult to fit this all into a arduino micro. but it fitted with no floating point ops and using Byte or int8.  The air manager part is for use with X-plane. there should be no changes to the Arduiono code for other sims, all changes for other sims will be in Airmanager.
Arduino Code AirManager Code